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Support Small Business Owners!

Support small business owners and entrepreneurs this holiday season at First Monday Trade Days! Among our thousands of vendors, almost all of them are small business owners but 100% of them are hard working creators who show up every month, without fail! Take a sneak peek at some of these hard workers and make sure to leave us a comment with your favorite vendor booths, or comment to let customers know where they can find you at First Monday! If you want to take your business to a new level apply to become a vendor and join the family!

Civic Center: Resurrected Journals

Alanna has been a part of the First Monday family for over ten years! She takes old books that would have been thrown away and turns them into journals with blank pages that her customers use as notebooks and even scrapbooks! You can find her website here and check out her social media here.

Row 46: Twigs Home and Lighting

Tim and Jay have worked hard to create their small business and have even opened up a second location of Twigs at the Warehouse Showroom in Emory, TX! You can learn more here and find them on Instagram here!

Famous Vendor Fields: Jame's booth

James has been a vendor at First Monday for about seven years. He is a full time vendor and sells everything from furniture to art to decor! He has a great eye for curating his own unique collection for each show here at First Monday Trade Days!

"The Hill": Mistress of Junk

Jenn sells everything in her booth! From antiques and vintage decor pieces to clothing and upcycled pieces that can fit every home! She has a great mix of new and old items to fit everyone's style! You can learn more about her booth here and find her on social media here.

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