Stay in one of various locations. Looking to park your RV? Looking to stay in a hotel? Follow the link below to check out all of our accommodations.

Stay in one of various locations. Looking to park your RV? Looking to stay in a hotel? Follow the link below to check out all of our accommodations.

Trade Center spaces are by application only. They are rented on a monthly basis. Vendors are assigned spaces based on the product they sell and other products sold in the area. Applications should be submitted to the First Monday Log Cabin Office at 800 First Monday Lane on the west side of the grounds (off FM 859). Photos of merchandise and/or website addresses are helpful when Management is making decisions about placement in the buildings. For more information about renting spaces and pricing, you may call (903) 567-6556 according to the dates on the chart.
Vendors may rent marked parking spaces outside the Trade Centers for vehicles, merchandise, storage trailers, or (with approval) extended booth space. The spaces may not be used for motor homes, travel trailers or over-sized vehicles. The rent is $50 per parking space. Other regular outside lots may not be used for vehicle parking. Free vendor parking is available by the Log Cabin in a designated area.
Space Rental in the First Monday Trade Centers for First Monday weekends shall be restricted to the merchandise accepted on individual applications. Management approval is required for any changes or additions to the type of merchandise originally accepted.
Each vendor is required by Texas law to have a Texas Sales Tax Permit. Contact 1-800-252-5555 for information about obtaining a permit.